When the path matters as much as the destination.
- Backend software engineering expertise.
- Software scaling, optimization, & refactoring.
- Middleware, integration, & automation.
- Frameworks, libraries, & open source development.
- Databases & data-intensive applications.
- Product R&D, advisor, & consultant.

Brett Meyer
Backend software engineering career, building and optimizing large-scale backends at companies like Twilio, Disney, & Red Hat.
Open Source
Core committer of Hibernate ORM, middleware libraries in JBoss/Fuse, and other data-intensive tools in the Java/JVM arena.
Always people focused. Partner/Founder @ Impact Upgrade, a tech-for-humans agency serving nonprofits and missional businesses.
Sweat the Details
Obsessed with maintainability, design patterns, optimization/tuning, & refactoring. Long term, from the beginning.
The Soft Stuff
Always collaborative. Intentional, remote-first communication. Enjoy teaching & writing. EQ. Adaptable & fun to work with.
The Most Important Stuff
Husband to an incredible mom & RN. Dad to three great kids. Otherwise found in my barn/shop, a lake, somewhere in the woods, or playing an instrument.
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Email to a Friend: Struggles, Discontent, Passions vs. Vocations, & Glorifying God in Everything
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